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Top language, translation, marketing and freelancing tweets in January 2014

'January' photo (c) 2013, Hartwig HKD - license: everybody! Hope you are having a great week. Mine is starting kind of tough, but I am looking forward to seeing what comes out of it.

As usual, I’ve been preparing a new list of top tweeted content for the past month and I found a lot of interesting posts I missed! So this list is a huge help for me to stay on top of all the news concerning languages and translation. And as far as I know, it is helping at least some of you, too! In my previous post about best language and translation tweets I promised to add two new topics, so that’s what I am doing! From now on, I will look for top tweets about language, translation, marketing and freelancing. So, if your January was pretty busy and you haven’t been around Twitter a lot, or if you simply don’t use Twitter, but like learning new things, I recommend you to check out this list of top tweets in different topics. There’s a chance that you will find something interesting and helpful there.

Language tweets: 

The challenges of learning a #language as an adult:

Stan Carey @stancarey
On the unsung value of singular 'themself':… (new #language post)

RoutledgeLinguistics @routledgeling
An interesting article from @HuffPost on #Tolkien's #language and how 'Smaug' doesn't fit modern #English #phonology

Translation tweets:

Xosé Castro @xosecastro
Spanish language ObamaCare website so badly translated that Spanish speakers can’t read it #translation

Kevin Lossner @germanentrans
The 2013 translation environment tools survey #xl8

Erik Hansson @erik_hansson
Excellent article by @natalykelly! Why Machines Alone Cannot Solve the World's Translation Problem #xl8 #mt

Judy Jenner @language_news
From our blog...Please RT to spread the word about translation scammers:… #xl8. Many thanks to @PORTranslation!

Jayne Fox @jaynefox
Translators writing about the nitty-gritty of translation… #xl8

Louise Péron @lsptranslation
Don't go for "lower your rates, we'll send you more work". More work on low paying jobs = less time to find clients who value your work #xl8

Jayne Fox @jaynefox
Fascinating study on how translation agencies respond to rates set by freelance translators by @grtranslator #xl8

Emma Goldsmith @goldsmithtrans
My blog post on @IntelliWSearch for medical translators: updated to include @cosnautas #xl8

Emma Goldsmith @goldsmithtrans
Finding clients, setting rates, CAT tools and more in my video interview on “The Successful Linguist” #xl8

EP TermCoord @termcoord
Prices for translation services have risen moderately over the past 3 years, and are forecast to continue rising #xl8

Marketing and networking tweets:

Jeff Bullas @jeffbullas
The Top 4 Most Effective Calls to Action on Twitter #Twittertips #SocialMedia #marketing

brechtjedeleij @brechtjedeleij
Hahaha @tomfishburne: “Internet of Things” and the future of #marketing
44 Reasons Why You Should Use #SocialMedia for Your Personal and Business Brand #Marketing #Branding

Freelancing tweets:

ET Job News @etjobnews
#Freelancing opportunities are growing rapidly. Find out how to make the most of this trend

Catherine Christaki @linguagreca
A Client Insults You? Here's How to Insult Them Back by @stefgonzaga #freelancing

Freelancing Matters @fm_mag
Hannah Martin of @TalentedLadies on why #freelancing is a great option for #mums:

Catherine Christaki @linguagreca
From our blog archives: Attending a conference? Learn from your past mistakes… #xl8 #freelancing

Did you find anything interesting in the list? Or maybe some other article inspired you lately? Share it in comments!
Olga Arakelyan,
Your professional translator

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