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Showing posts from June, 2010

Stress and freelancing - can those two things be separated?

How to overcome Freelancing Stress I love this article! It's true, freelancing can be stressful, and, just like the author says, I've come to the conclusion that it's often ME who's making my life more stressful than it should be. How so? Well, by forgetting to plan my workload, my budget, by lack of marketing skills etc. On the other hand, stress is an inseparable part of life of almost everybody. What do you do to minimize the stress level in your life?

Russia Day

Today is June 12th , one of the newest holidays here - the Day of Russia (or Russia Day ). Even though it's a national holiday, it's not as widely celebrated as other holidays, because it's relatively new and because the reason for picking this date and the origin of the holiday itself is not quite clear for most ordinary Russians. That's why I decided to make a little investigation concerning the history of the holiday. And that's what I found out: The holiday dates back to 1990 , when on June 12th the Russian parliament officially declared the sovereignty of Russia . That was a tough time for our country, the time when former Soviet republics were declaring there independence and did not want to do anything with Russia. So that was the day when our parliament oficially adopted the Declaration of State Sovereignty of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic. That's the beginning of modern Russia with its emphasis on civil rights and democracy (su...