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Showing posts from January, 2012

Useful resources for learning Russian

Quite a few of my Twitter followers studied or are studying Russian as a foreign language. So may be this post will be useful for you guys :) I'd like to share some online resources that I think could be useful to you in addition to 'normal' offline classes. Of course, I don't have to study Russian as a foreign language, but those websites look very good to me. As a person who used to teach Russian to foreigners I'd surely use those websites in my teaching process :)

Vladimir and its World Heritage sites

Hi there! How are you? This year is starting with some exciting changes for my blog. As you know, I am going to share more useful links with you. Well, this is not all. As a translator specializing in tourism, I often translate very interesting texts about places of interest in different countries. Then last year I really fell in love with the  blog hosted by my colleague Olga Tkachenko . She lives in Siberia and writes about her region with great love. Olga's blog reminded me that Russia is full of stunning places. And it gave me inspiration to share something very important with you. The love for my city, Vladimir, which is by the way a great tourist magnet. No doubt, Vladimir is a very special place. I love taking long walks in the center because the scenery is often so beautiful that it takes my breath away. Vladimir also belongs to the Golden Ring of Russian cities . The ancient cities included in the Golden Ring played a huge role in Russian history and are often called o

Facebook marketing - let's learn to use Facebook to our advantage!

I think one of my big mistakes last year was that I almost stopped writing posts where I shared useful links. I have made a decision to resume this practice. The first link collection has to do with Facebook marketing for translators. (After all, I am a marketing translator, aren't I?) Actually, these links can help anybody who wants to build a great page and attract many loyal followers.

How we celebrated New Year

As I promised in my previous post , here are some pictures of our New Year . First, on December 28th there was a New Year party in my daughter's kindergarten. They staged "The Snow Queen" by Andersen. In the beginning kids had fun dancing rock-n-roll. They loved it. Their parents did, too :)

My achievements in 2011 and special thanks to my readers!

Dear readers, I am so happy to greet you now in 2012! Hope you had a wonderful Christmas and New Year celebration! In my next post I am going to share our celebration with you ;) The past year was very interesting. It was challenging, but also rewarding. It was in 2011 when I started receiving more comments to my posts and now my blog gets more than 2000 visits each month. I am so grateful to all my readers! This blog wouldn't exist without you! You rock! I'd like to share the most popular posts from 2011 with you. Some are quite logically popular, others - well, frankly speaking, I didn't quite expect them to be so interesting, but it was a good surprise. So, here's the list: