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Useful resources for learning Russian

Quite a few of my Twitter followers studied or are studying Russian as a foreign language. So may be this post will be useful for you guys :) I'd like to share some online resources that I think could be useful to you in addition to 'normal' offline classes. Of course, I don't have to study Russian as a foreign language, but those websites look very good to me. As a person who used to teach Russian to foreigners I'd surely use those websites in my teaching process :)

So here they are:
1. Russian Blog (you can  follow them on Twitter, too!) - This is a blog written by a Russian native speaker. She picks a topic and writes quality posts that can be a tremendous help in learning new vocabulary. This is my absolutely favourite resource. I read every post there and keep thinking how I can apply it if I ever get to teach Russian as a foreign language again.
2. Russisch für Kinder - That's an interesting website in German for kids who are learning Russian! There are tongue twisters, alphabet, various kinds of fun activities. I have come to realize that adults usually like children's tasks just as much as children, if not more! ;) So if you know some German, check it out! Some of the tasks there look a bit too complicated to me, but I guess it all depends on your level.
3. Russian language lessons is also a very good resource. There you can study or refresh grammar, learn new words or phrases. You can build your language course yourself, or you can follow structured lessons.
4. Master Russian is a website that concentrates more on helping you study new words and phrases, but also has some grammar there. You can choose to study prepared lessons, or browse a topic that you are interested in. They even offer some help with phonetics!
5. Russian for free is another resource I came across recently and I absolutely love their lessons! You can also find them on Twitter!

These are some resources that I have found. I hope you find them helpful. Please let me know what you think!


  1. Оленька,
    Мне кажется, ты сделала опечатку в слове Für? Спасибо за такую информацию! Было интересно почитать! )))) Таня М.

  2. Танечка, спасибо! Сейчас исправлю :)

  3. Thank you so much Olga! Maybe those resources will help me to keep up my Russian, which I feel is slowly slipping away. "Russian for free" in particular looks really nice.
    Большое спасибо, Оленька!

    1. Dear Jehanne, you are so very welcome! I do understand how a foreign language can "slip away" if it's not used. I do hope these resources help you! And if you find something else that could be useful for learning Russian, please share!


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