First of all, I would like to welcome new readers to my blog! Thank you for following me. And I would also like to thank those who have been reading my blog for some time. I am happy to see you back :) I can't believe how fast the time flies! I just realised that June is almost over and it's high time to share some language and translation related tweets for this month. For those who just started following my blog: every month I look up and share top language and translation related tweets. I try to keep the process as objective as possible, so I go to and choose the tweets with most retweets and mentions. The only thing is that I don't publish pure advertisements here, no matter how many times they were shared. And I also try to make sure there are useful links in the tweets. I personally check all links to make sure it's high quality content that may be interesting and useful for my readers. In case you are new to Twitter hashtags, #xl8 stands for ...
Translation as an art, science and business