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Showing posts from June, 2013

Top #language and #xl8 related tweets in June 2013

First of all, I would like to welcome new readers to my blog! Thank you for following me. And I would also like to thank those who have been reading my blog for some time. I am happy to see you back :) I can't believe how fast the time flies! I just realised that June is almost over and it's high time to share some language and translation related tweets for this month. For those who just started following my blog: every month I look up and share top language and translation related tweets. I try to keep the process as objective as possible, so I go to and choose the tweets with most retweets and mentions. The only thing is that I don't publish pure advertisements here, no matter how many times they were shared. And I also try to make sure there are useful links in the tweets. I personally check all links to make sure it's high quality content that may be interesting and useful for my readers. In case you are new to Twitter hashtags, #xl8 stands for ...

Would you like to witness Guinness world record being broken and learn something useful in the process?

If yes, we are inviting you to take part in the longest webinar of your life ! It’s going to take place on the 25 th and 26 th of June . Yes, it’s this coming Tuesday and Wednesday! It may sound like an absolutely crazy initiative of Sharp End Training, but we really want to break the previous Guinness record, and in order to do that we need to make it last for 36 hours and 1 minute! So, since we got this chance to hold this important and FREE training session we thought the best thing would be to divide the 36 hours into 1 hour sections. And can you imagine the number of people who became as passionate as we are? Fabulous speakers signed up in an extremely short time to fill those 36 hours . And look what people have signed up! They are kings and queens of virtual work, marketing and freelance business. And of course translators are on board! You have a chance to learn from Konstantina Drakou , Sarah Colombo , Marta Chereshnovska , Lucy Brooks , Joy Mo , and yours truly ...

What can you expect from freelance translators and what can't you expect from them?

I wrote this post in Russian about a week ago and I got some amazing feedback from my Russian-speaking colleagues. Besides, I asked my colleagues whether they have experienced something similar and a few of them said they did. So I thought it would be good to translate my own post. Dear clients, this article is written primarily for you. If you need a translation, but you don't know what to expect from a translator, this post might turn out very helpful to you. If you ever experienced misunderstanding with your translator, maybe my post will help you realise what were at least some reasons for that and how the situation could be solved.