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Showing posts from May, 2010

Saying "no" to a project - delicious link!

Brave New Words: Saying No Now -- and Forever? This is an excellent article for us, translators. It teaches how to say "no" to a client and not lose him/her. As a freelancer, sometimes I have a lot of projects (usually I'm doing fine as soon as there are no more than 3 of them going on simultaneously), and sometimes there are scarcely any or no projects at all! So, like many other translators I prefer to take more assignments from my clients when they have them. I pay special attention to quality of my work no matter how many translation assignments I am doing at once, but I tend to get really stressed and overworked. So saying "no" to a project without saying "no" to a client for ever is something I've been learning for over 3 years now. I planned to touch upon this subject in one of my next articles, but I found this excellent blog entry that sums up everything! So enjoy! Hope it is useful to you, too!

Some delicious links for ESL teachers

As you know, I am also a certified ESL teacher. I love teaching children and adults. It gives me great pleasure to see their progress and to realise that I took part in their growth. And in October 2009 I started something completely new for me - teaching English through Skype. It's a totally new experience as I have to use some totally different methods in order to organize an effective teaching process. Since I started teaching English through Skype I found some excellent links for both adults and kids. So I decided to share those resources with you and if you know of other interesting links I'd appreciate it if you shared them with me ;) So here are the best links: - site for kids with different ESL games, stories, songs etc. - lots of audio-books for children - another great website for children, mainly with basic level of English http://boggleswor...

Victory Day

I t's May 7th today, and it's the last working day this week. In two days we are going to celebrate Victory Day . I don't know of any family here that was left untouched by the World War II. Neither was my family. I am deeply grateful to both of my grandfathers and my grandmother who took part in the war. I am who I am also because of who they were and how they lived. I know there have been many wars. But this war is different because it ended only 65 years ago and touched so many lives. It teaches me to value human life, our different views and our independence. It teaches to be kind, patient to one another and not to lose humanness even under terrible circumstances. And it also teaches that, no matter how awful the relations between different countries are, a war is always the worst way out. Because it's just not the right way to solve problems in economical or political life (or even ideology)... This post is not about translation. It's just my way o...