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Showing posts from July, 2010

Too good signs =)

Several days ago I got a sign that I've been moving in the right direction with my translation business, and that providing additional value besides just translation itself IS important. A couple weeks ago I got a project through one of my favourite translation agencies from a client who turned out to be ... hm... not very organized. So after I did the translation I had to make amends to the text and translate little additions to it, plus check the graphic files several times making sure that the client didn't make mistakes after my part was done. I was fine with that because it was a very special project and I really wanted everything to be perfect. It was a great pleasure when I opened another message from the project manager and saw that he was thanking me for being "so service oriented". Those words gave me a lot of joy. I can see that my plan is working and I am gradually becoming one of the best translators in my spheres of expertise. Why? Because I think real...

Reevaluation of my goals

Having trouble with my router and sitting home without Internet for 2 days really made me realize I miss writing in my blog! It’s been awfully hot here, so I was very thankful for an opportunity to spend three days outside by a lake with my fam. I still worked some, but not half as much as I usually do. And then, when we returned home on the third day, we found out that our router apparently suffered a heat stroke :-( However, it gave me time to reevaluate some of the things that I've been doing, including blogging. I realized that I never shared my goals with you. WHY did I start blogging? – Well, as you know, I’ve been working as a freelance translator since March 2007. At the beginning, when I was leaving my job (I loved it by the way! But I realized that I needed to make a change for the sake of my family) other translators in the company weren’t optimistic about the career I chose. They thought freelancing would be absolutely a waste of my time, energy and money. So I ...

Some truly interesting and useful links for translators for translators

Last week I kept "bumping" into really useful and interesting stuff. I wonder how that happens? Sometimes I'm looking and looking and can't find what I need, and sometimes I do NOTHING and those great blog entries and posts seem to be looking for me by themselves! I am very grateful to my more experienced colleagues who have published these articles: The difference between localization and SEO translation - I believe that translation is one of the spheres where we as professionals can never say, "I know enough, so I don't need to learn any more". This is so wrong! Our world is changing so fast that there are new types of freelance work that appear every day, and our profession is becoming more and more complex. There are new specializations and fields of expertise that appear every day. The importance of localization and SEO translation is growing very fast, and it's been tough for many translators and clients to tell the difference between th...