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Here you can find useful links to some really good resources and blogs. Most of them have to do with translation, ESL teaching and online marketing. The list is not exhaustive, of course. New items will be added as soon as I discover something new =)

Translation and language blogs:
About Translation

Balance your words - This blog has a lot of fresh ideas about balancing your life as a freelancer
Brave New Words
Catherine Translates
Creative translator's blog
eMpTy Pages
Four feathers
Inbox Translations Blog
Just Traducoes
Just translate it - one of my favourite blogs by Olesya Zaytseva (in Russian). The English version is coming soon!
K - blog of an excellent Russian translator Katerina Filatova (in Russian)
Lingua Greca - this blog belongs to Catherine Christaki (@LinguaGreca), one of my dear Twitter friends and a fabulous Greek translator.
Localisation sales and marketing
Mox's blog - one of my favourite blogs =)
Musings from an overworked translator
Medical translation insight
Naked Translations
No peanuts! for Translators
Patenttranslator's Blog
Paul's Translation Blog - I love this blog. It speaks not only about issues related to translation, but also about culture, national food, places of interest etc. Plus it's bilingual English-Spanish!
Perevod (in Russian)
Russian Translation (in Russian)
SEO Translator
Signs and symptoms of translation - an excellent blog by Maxim Manzhosin (in Russian)
Speaking for TWB
Swedish Translation Services
The Linguist Blogger - the blog both about language learning and translation
The Lingua File
The translation business
Thoughts on Translation
Translation and L10n for dummies

Translation Times
Translator T.O. - blog for freelance translators
Translation Tribulations
Unprofessional translation
Velior's blog about translation and translation industry (Russian version)
Velior's blog about translation and translation industry (English version)
Want Words - Excellent blog about translation, freelancing and just life!
WORDHORD - сокровища языка

Blogging, freelancing, marketing and networking:

DesignM.AG - That's a web design blog, but there are quite a few useful articles about freelancing business
FREELANCESWITCH - A wealth of useful topics for all freelancers with a possibility to register and participate in the Freelanceswitch community, search for jobs etc.
Freelance Factfile
Jim's Marketing Blog - extremely useful marketing tips for small and medium sized businesses
Judy Lee Dunn - For writers who blog and for bloggers who write 
Make a living writing
ProBlogger Blog Tips - That's a very useful resource for those of us who have blogs and want them to prosper. I've just recently discovered it and I'm very happy about it
Write to Done - it's a resource for freelance writers, but there's useful stuff for translators, too

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