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Showing posts from September, 2013

Guest post: 4 effective ways to deal with the translation of PDF files

Image source At least once in our professional life, all of us translators – beginning or experienced – have dealt with the translation of Portable Document Format (PDF) files. That being the case, there is no need stating the hard times we must have had handling such files, especially when it came with deciding how to process them and reflecting on ways and means to effectively render the target document in both a convenient and presentable way. Following the steps outlined below can prevent us much headache and help us to get out of trouble.

Motorsport terms glossaries for translators and language learners

It's been a while since I published an article with useful resources for translators and language learners/teachers. This summer I did quite a lot of translations for the tourist industry and discovered a whole new phenomenon called " sports tourism ". Not that I haven't heard about it before, but I definitely haven't translated anything like that until I started working with a couple very cool clients. And I've done a great deal of translations about one specific type of sports events, which is motorsport , especially Formula 1 .

Top #language and #xl8 related tweets in August 2013

Hi everybody! It's the beginning of September, so it's high time I shared some trending tweets related to translation and languages. Qurious what the most popular ones are? Then read further. :)