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Top #language and #xl8 related tweets in August 2013

'Smarties: Heart Mapping' photo (c) 2006, Alexandre Duret-Lutz - license: everybody! It's the beginning of September, so it's high time I shared some trending tweets related to translation and languages. Qurious what the most popular ones are? Then read further. :)

As usual, I turned to for help. And I came across some pretty interesting links! So check them out. I hope you'll find something useful in the list.

Translation tweets:
Marta Stelmaszak @mstelmaszak
10 reasons why I wouldn’t hire you as a translator - worth a read #xl8 #t9n #translation 
Marta Stelmaszak @mstelmaszak
20 ways to protect your #translation CV from scammers - my new blog post #xl8 #t9n @prozcom
#t9n Translation and interpreting are among the 10 fastest-growing jobs in the U.S. 
Cristiana Coblis @ro_translation
How language is literally losing its meaning: The Oxford English Dictionary has accepted a... #xl8 #t9n #language 
Adriana Ceausu @adrianaceausu 
: when translation isn’t enough #T9n #xl8r 
Marta Stelmaszak @mstelmaszak
I Need A Fast, Cheap, and High Quality #Translation - good luck! :) Great article #xl8 #t9n 
Giorgia Garavini @giogaravini
What Are Some of the Most Translated Works of All Time? …… via @_Translation_ #xl8 #t9n 
Marta Stelmaszak @mstelmaszak
More than 100 new monolingual, bilingual & multilingual glossaries via @wordstodeeds #xl8 #t9n #translation
 Aleksandra Milcic @_aleksm
Must read for all #xl8 #t9n #l1n #LSP: Translation isn't getting cheaper via @lingocode @prozcom
#t9n 11 Untranslatable Words From Other Cultures

GALA @gala_global
Will social media be the global trend that drives the next evolution of machine translation? #t9n
IMUG @i18n_mug
Controversial UK court interpreting firm racks up £15m loss | #1nt #xl8 #t9n
dakwak @dakwak
Don't let your #website's #language be a barrier between you and potential customers! #l10n #t9n #business #tips
T-Cup @infotcup
Have you ever wondered why Brits and Americans have different accents? #xl8 #t9n
Language tweets: @physorg_com
and tool-making skills evolved at same time, study says
Matthias Rascher @matthiasrascher
7 Coded Texts that Defy Translation. #history #language
Matthias Rascher @matthiasrascher
Helpful: The Reverse Dictionary. #language
Pimsleur Approach @pimsleurtweets
5 Things You Won't Learn In Foreign #Language Class
Matthias Rascher @matthiasrascher
10 Monty Pythonesque British Place Names. #language #geography
Gaby Mahlberg @thehistorywoman
How language is literally losing its meaning Use of 'historic', 'like', 'inappropriate', 'innit'? #language @dictionarycom
What exactly is a language, and how many languages are there in the world? Learn more here: #language
perthtones @perthtones
RT @abcnews: Treasure trove of #Indigenous #language documents unearthed at NSW State Library
hyperlingo @hyperlingo
Spanish is Most Spoken Non-English #Language in the U.S | @dictionarycom
Is English a difficult language to learn? @TheEconomist recently explored this question: #English #Language
Dorothy Bishop @deevybee
RT @cracked: 5 Tiny Wording Tricks That Can Totally Change Someone's Mind -
Kurt Loder @kurt_loder
Farewell to the #Umlaut (via @lacritica): #language
I hope there is enough interesting content for you in these tweets. It's impossible to read and even to notice it all during the month, so I hope my objective report will help you see what you've missed.
I have three quick announcements for you:
1. Due to some unexpected circumstances we had to cancel the September conference. Both Jonathan and I are very disappointed. If there was a way to change the situation and run the conference we would gladly do it. But we do hope that you will stay with us and come to other events.
2. I've heard some very pleasant reviews about my series about specialization for translators. So if you would like to take part let me know! Initially, I was going to do the series only in July and August, but I'd love to continue since you like it! So if you are a translator and you'd love to share why and how you chose your specialty fields contact me!
3. The third announcement is for Russian speakers. If you would like to take part in my upcoming webinar about blogging as part of freelance business you can still register! The training will be held in Russian on September 19th.
Wishing you a great week!


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