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Showing posts from March, 2014

Top language, translation, marketing and freelancing tweets: February and March 2014

Hi everybody! I owe you something very important. As you know, every month I share an article with the best tweets about translation , languages , marketing and freelancing . But I didn’t publish top tweets for February, so I decided to cover two months in one post. I strongly recommend you to check out those tweets. They are truly THE best. I found some very interesting and useful information there. And if there’s a post or an article that inspired you in February and March please share it in comments!

Meet the linguist: Caroline Alberoni (@AlberoniTrans)

Hi everybody! How's your week been? Mine was surely interesting: I had a webinar for Russian-speaking translators, there were 2 birthdays in my family, plus there were a couple very interesting translation projects and a lot of requests from new clients and agencies. Hope at least a couple of them turn into new long-term relationships :) It's Friday, so it's the time to recommend another colleague! Today I'd like to share the interview with Caroline Alberoni . Caroline once took part in my series about keeping healthy and fit as a freelancer. You can read her post here . I really enjoy reading Caroline's blog and her posts in social media and I appreciate this chance to get to know her better. So here's the interview. Enjoy :)

Meet the linguist: Magda Phili (@magtrans)

Hi everybody! I am so happy to be back with you. Your reaction to my yesterday's post was amazing. Big thanks to everybody who is praying for peace, too. I am truly blessed, having all your support! As you know, Friday is that special day of the week when I recommend a great colleague. I am very happy to resume this tradition. And the person I am recommending today really deserves our attention. It's Magda Phili . I met Magda a while ago. She even wrote a guest post for my blog once. Her creativity and writing talent continue to amaze me. Have you checked out her blog called " which translates to "? It's a very young blog, but you will definitely love it. It is unique. I asked Magda for an interview and she agreed! So I am happy to share a bit more about her with you:

Random thoughts and an apology

Hi everybody! I am very sorry for being silent. I always say that you have to set your priorities right and have to treat your blog as a part of your business and then it will thrive. But I guess I just experienced something like a personal crisis. It definitely had something to do with the latest political situation. Really, you have to be blind not to know about the news concerning Ukraine, Russia and the Crimea. I come from a multi-national family, so I have a  lot of relatives in Ukraine, in the Crimea and I dearly love all of them. Being partly a Ukrainian, I love Russia where I grew up, and I love Ukraine. So this crisis is the time when I thought for the first time that speaking more than one language can be a curse... Because I could read the Russian articles, could understand some of what the Ukrainian authors wrote, and could surely read and understand the publications in the European and American mass media.... And it made me sick. This whole situation just makes my ...

How do you stay healthy and fit? Interview with Dorota Pawlak

Hello everybody! I am so happy to see you here! Remember I promised to continue the series about staying healthy and fit? Today I am publishing the story of Dorota Pawlak . Would you like to know more about Dorota's experience? Then read further ;-)