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Top language, translation, marketing and freelancing tweets: February and March 2014

'april showers' photo (c) 2010, Ginny - license:
Hi everybody! I owe you something very important. As you know, every month I share an article with the best tweets about translation, languages, marketing and freelancing. But I didn’t publish top tweets for February, so I decided to cover two months in one post. I strongly recommend you to check out those tweets. They are truly THE best. I found some very interesting and useful information there. And if there’s a post or an article that inspired you in February and March please share it in comments!

Language tweets:

12 words you need to know for snowboarding #WinterOlympics #language
10 words you need to know for figure skating #language #WinterOlympics
Beware the Ides of March! Get up to your elbows in the #language of Julius Caesar
In defence of unnecessary words. Also, Buffy:… (new #language post)
Do you ever waver when it comes to choosing between less and fewer? #grammar #language
8 pronunciation errors that made the English #language what it is today | |
25 American Kids Weigh in on What #Language the U.S. Speaks |
The Economist explains: How a dialect differs from a #language | The Economist
“Waiting for the German verb is surely the ultimate thrill.” Flann O'Brien, Irish novelist/journalist (1911–66) #language #quote
How vowels and consonants of different phonetic categories are encoded in the brain #neurosci #language
Children being taught in a #language they do not speak at home can be a barrier to learning:

Translation tweets:

Please RT. Lack of translation can mean death, as in this case:… Time to pressure govt to provide language access.#xl8
New post on pseudotranslations: when reindeer = "Christmas llamas"… #xl8 (I love the comments.)
How do novels get translated? (by @tomgauld) #xl8
"Cover letter" writing for translators – how to do it right (part 1) by @Mylinguadotpl #xl8
How to handle edits to your translations by @imctranslations via @CTA_Translators #xl8
Advice worth following: Translate your website and your sales will go up | Great post by @wordyrama #xl8 #marketing
Good for translators! How to get a busy person to respond to your e-mail… #translation #xl8
Books translated with Google Translate removed from Amazon… #xl8
What do you think? We tackle the controversial topic of pricing on our blog:… #xl8 #1nt. Please RT/chime in!
The Interpreter Who Almost Started a War - that's what happens... #xl8 #t9n
A little something for all the translators out there :-). Ring any bells? #xl8 #HappyFriday
Dear agency, I think my superwoman outfit must have got lost in the post because I cannot do 15,000 words urgently for today. #xl8 #t9n
Do you think like a translator? #xl8 #t9n
What a #translator does and what s/he doesn't. via @Vinglish_Italia @DDhayer #xl8

Marketing and freelancing tweets:

5 content #marketing tips we learned from our best performing blogs:
10 step Twitter formula to unleash a dynamic personal brand #twitter #marketing #bran...
10 Simple #Twitter Tactics That Will Get You More Traffic Today #marketing
Content #marketing takes time and money. Here’s why it’s all worth it:
#Small Businesses and #SEO: What You Need to Know #marketing
#Facebook News Feed Changes: How That Impacts #Brands #marketing
Science of Emotion in #Marketing: How We Decide What to Share and Whom to Trust
Do you need a #freelance business plan? @MMToolbox gives you the scoop to help you succeed.
Online Staffing Platforms Make the #Freelance Economy a True Meritocracy New article from @JeffreyWald

Hope you found something useful in this list. I surely did :)

Olga Arakelyan,
Your Professional Translator

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