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Showing posts from January, 2014

Meet the linguist: Ewa Erdmann (Transliteria)

Hello from snowy Russia! Remember the #followfriday tradition on Twitter? I've been thinking that it would be great to do something similar on Facebook. From now on I will recommend one colleague each Friday on my Facebook business page . Last Friday was my first try and it went great :) I also felt that this tradition could continue in my blog. Catherine Christaki had the same idea and I am very thankful for the support of both Catherine and Tess Whitty. So, I am starting a new rubric called "Meet the linguist" . Soon you will be able to see it among featured rubrics in the upper section of this blog. Why am I starting the rubric? I have two goals: 1. To inspire more networking among linguists. 2. To help people who come across my blog to find a specialist they need.

How do you stay healthy and fit? Emeline Jamoul shares her experience.

Happy Monday! How are you doing? I am fighting a little head cold. Being in the middle of a large project, the last thing I want is to be sick. Which sets a good basis for sharing another guest post about staying healthy and fit as a freelancer :) This time, a great colleague and a young mother Emeline Jamoul is sharing her experience.

Guest post: Translation Slip Ups and Snags

Hi! Great to see you in my blog again today :) Please meet a new guest author, Nina Lizunova from Romo Translations . Today we are going to speak about translation slip ups and snags. It's complicated Translation is a technical task that requires hands-on skills. As a translator, you must possess strong command of syntax, phraseology and etymology of words to effectively translate them into their true meaning.In every translation project there are various difficult issues that arise and it normally differs from language to language. Here are a few problems I face as a Russian Linguist and Translator.

Great news and important personal discoveries

Creating a new post on a snowy, frosty day Hi everybody! How has your week been? Hope everything is great and you are ready to enjoy your weekend, be it a relaxing or a working one. I am going to share some news and a couple new personal discoveries with you. News first:

Top #language and #xl8 tweets in December 2013

Hi there! How’ve you been? Hope you had great holidays! I sure did :) Because of all these holidays December was a busy month, so when I sat down to prepare a list of the best language and translation tweets I made quite a few discoveries! So here they are. Language tweets:

С Рождеством! Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to my Orthodox readers! Peace and joy to you! Поздравляю с Рождеством моих православных читателей! Желаю вам мира и радости!

How do you stay healthy and fit? Interview with Carole Seawert

Hi there! Happy New Year! Did you have relaxing holidays? I sure did. In fact, the holiday season is not over in Russia. We are going to celebrate Christmas in two days. I can't wait :) On the 29th of December Carole Seawert from Freelance Factfile published my guest post where I shared my experience regarding health, fitness etc. It has been a fight, but hopefully I am going to win it :) Delia and I spent a day at the skating rink a couple days ago and I was very happy to notice almost no muscle ache afterwards. I am getting stronger again, yay! I also promised to Carole that her post is going to be the first post I publish in 2014. So here it is! That's how Carole keeps healthy and fit. Enjoy :)