I have two very important announcements for you! Hope you find both of them useful. 1) I thought I already shared it, but I apparently forgot to post the info in my blogs :( Please forgive me! I am correcting this mistake, so here is the first announcement: Remember me talking about Joy Mo's book and then webinar ? Well, if you couldn't attend the live event, you can now watch the webinar replay ! You can follow the link and buy the recording. We got some wonderful reviews from the translators who attended the webinar, and I found it very useful, too. I really liked the fact that the webinar was literally packed with useful information and ideas for translators. Besides, though event went a little longer than planned everybody stayed till the end! That also proves that the webinar was extremely useful for translators. 2) The second announcement is very important for all those who would like to use Twitter to its maximum potential . Remember my review of co...