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6 reasons why I would recommend other freelancers to start blogging if they aren't doing it yet

'Edma Pontillon Blogging, after Berthe Morisot' photo (c) 2008, Mike Licht - license:
After two years of blogging I can definitely say that I love it. Can't imagine my life without it now. And there are some pretty serious reasons why I wouldn't give it up. Would you like to know them? Then read further :)

1) Blogging helps me to learn to express my thoughts more clearly. You probably know that English is not my native language. I can definitely say that blogging really helped me to improve my English. My first posts now seem very funny to me. I am even thinking about removing a couple of them that sound the funniest ;)
2) Blogging also helped me to shape my own views on translation, marketing, business and other related topics.
3) I have readers! It's an incredible feeling when I see how many views I got and especially when I read your comments, dear readers. Sometimes you don't agree with me, sometimes you do. And I am thankful for each one of you. I love the fact that you are now a part of my life, and I am a part of yours.
4) Continuing the previous point, I love that this blog helped me to get aquainted with some cool language professionals. Blogging has become one of the most pleasant networking methods for me.
5) I love that the blog helps me market my services without having to use some other marketing methods that are not so natural for me.
6) Blogging helps my new clients to find me. They can read this blog and see if my level of English is sufficient for them, if my expertise is what they need, plus they can also see some of my past projects (oops, I just remembered that my project list needs to be updated!)

If you are already blogging, what other benefits of blogging do you see in your life and business? If you aren't blogging yet, would you like to start? And if yes, why? What do you expect from it?


  1. Olga - I'm very glad that you choose to keep blogging! I love reading your posts, this is no exception. I also use my blog to practice language and translation. Your English is very good - I think you should leave the posts as inspiration for other learners. If you can do it - they can do it too!

  2. Hello Olga,

    I have started reading your blog, and blogs in general, just a few months ago, and I was so inspired by it that I decided to open my own blog. I have just started writing it, but I can already tell you that what I like the most is the fact that blogging gives me the opportunity to shape my own ideas about translation and linguistic matters and exchanging them with other professionals.

    Thanks a lot for inspiring me!

  3. Sarai, Emanuela, thank you for your nice words :) Emanuela, that's a great honour to know that my blog was among those that have inspired you to start blogging. I found your blog last week through my statistics page and I really like it (what I can understand from it) :)
    Sarai, maybe you are right. At least that can teach somebody to not wait till their English (or any second language) gets perfect, but to start perfecting it through regular writing.

  4. Great post, Olga!
    Your ideas are always helpful and inspiring.
    Unfortunately I have very little time for my own blog right now, though I always have some ideas.
    But still clients (tourists) manage to find me via my blog, which is still a surprise for me.

  5. Dear Olga,

    I stumbled across this blog post and I find it encouraging and very true! Writing gives you perspective as well as improvement in key areas in the translation industry.

    As a non native English speaker in my adoptive country and with a child going off to college this fall (who speaks Russian, by the way), I look back a few months to when he was writing his college application essays and I realize how important it is for anyone really, to put their ideas in order to make one's point across!

    It is so hard at the beginning yet really rewarding when you look back and you are able to see the improvement.

    Thanks for sharing your insights on how this blog has helped you in your profession. I think I'll follow in your footsteps and perhaps I'll enjoy the same benefits you are!


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