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Showing posts from August, 2014

Your Professional Translator blog nominated for Community Choice Awards!

Hello everybody! I would like to share a great joy with you and also ask you for a favor. The joy is that my blog Your Professional Translator has been nominated for Community Choice Awards in the best blog category . It’s a great honor for me. But that’s not all: my good friends from Alba Longa Translation Company have also been nominated for the same award thanks to the training courses they provide for translators and interpreters in St. Petersburg. So I would like to ask you to click this link and vote for this blog and for Alba Longa. If you are not registered at yet, you can do it quickly, easily and for free :) The voting will last till September 22nd , and the winners will be announced on the 30th of September on International Translation Day. Thank you in advance for your support! P.S. I was volunteering at a children’s day camp this week, so no new posts from me yet. But a big summer recap post is coming soon!

Meet the linguist: Sergey Bessonov (@sergeybessonov)

Hi there, good people :) I am happy to go on with my Meet the Linguist series and I would like you to meet Sergey Bessonov ! Here's how Sergey describes himself: " Active, young and constantly developing interpreter and translator. New challenging projects are welcome". I had a chance to see the amount of energy and enthusiasm Sergey puts into his work during the three-week course for Russian translators I taught back in April. You can follow Sergey on Twitter ( @sergeybessonov ) or become his fan on Facebook .  As usual, I asked Sergey to answer a few questions. Here are his replies:

Top language, translation, marketing and freelancing tweets: July 2014

Happy Sunday everybody! Have you noticed how quickly the summer is flying by? I can't believe it's August already. Very soon kids in Russia will start a new school year, and their freelancing parents will move to the normal crazy schedule built around school, after-class activities, sports clubs etc. Fun! ;) It is also high time I shared some top tweets shared last month about translation, languages, marketing and freelancing! Just a little reminder: this list has nothing to do with my personal favorits. Every month I visit and find the most trending tweets on the topics mentioned above. In other words, those are the tweets that get most retweets, favorits and mentions. And then I publish them in my blog. I preserve all hashtags, so you can go to Twitter, type the hashtag in the search field and see what other people publish on the same topic. I also preserve the names and Twitter handles of people who publish those tweets, so you could check out their profil...

Have you thought about donating your translation skills to support a good cause?

I am still getting feedback from colleagues all over the world after publishing the post about 10 business mistakes I made as a startup freelance translator. And one of the things I hear a lot is that there aren't enough possibilities for beginners to build their portfolio and grow in their skills, because good clients want experienced translators. As a result, they have to make their rates as low as possible to get a project and thus gain some experience. I strongly disagree with this practice, though I made this mistake, too, in the beginning. However, there's a chance for you now to start your career differently . True, you won't earn much at first. Nobody does anyway. But you will do work that matters . Besides, you can list this experience in your CV and LinkedIn profile. The possibility I am talking about is volunteering for different non-profit organizations and projects in different parts of the world. I started cooperating with NGOs and donating my translat...