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Top language, translation, marketing and freelancing tweets: July 2014

Happy Sunday everybody! Have you noticed how quickly the summer is flying by? I can't believe it's August already. Very soon kids in Russia will start a new school year, and their freelancing parents will move to the normal crazy schedule built around school, after-class activities, sports clubs etc. Fun! ;)

It is also high time I shared some top tweets shared last month about translation, languages, marketing and freelancing! Just a little reminder: this list has nothing to do with my personal favorits. Every month I visit and find the most trending tweets on the topics mentioned above. In other words, those are the tweets that get most retweets, favorits and mentions. And then I publish them in my blog. I preserve all hashtags, so you can go to Twitter, type the hashtag in the search field and see what other people publish on the same topic. I also preserve the names and Twitter handles of people who publish those tweets, so you could check out their profiles and follow them if you wish. So let's start! 

Language tweets: 

Slate @slate  
We Have Ahold and Awhile, So Why Not Alot? via @theweek #language #usage

Most Commonly spoken #Language (other than English or Spanish) RT @2morrowknight

The sound of thinking in other languages #language #jameschapman

Neuroscientists find that trying harder makes it more difficult to learn some aspects of #language @MIT

Bilingual parents: Talking to your child in your native #language makes it easier for them to learn English...

#Russia's Profanity Law Bans Words Even Pushkin Used #language #arts

The best #Spoonerisms - remembering the Rev William Spooner, born 170 years ago #wordplay #language  

Translation tweets: 

Cool analogy by Smartling: Why translation is like music #translation #xl8…

The 36 Funniest Translation Fails Of All Time. Check it out!… #xl8 #translation #languages

An “untranslatable” word is a word we can’t stop trying to translate… #xl8 #translation #BarbaraCassin @washingtonpost

For those rainy days! The best translation Movies. via @TrustedT9ns #xl8

New in my blog: 10 worst mistakes I made as a freelancer #xl8 #freelance (wow, I think it's actually the first time my tweet got in the list of top tweets!)

Results of the 2014 Global Translators Survey published on… #t9n #xl8

Translating the Untranslatable: An Interview with Barbara Cassin #xl8 #t9n

How do translators showcase their talent to translation agencies? - very good post! #xl8 #t9n

Don't blog, just write. #freelancer #xl8 #1nt

"An approach to back translation of medical/pharmaceutical texts" via Caduceus, ATA Medical Division newsletter. #xl8

New blog post: do you need a college degree to be a translator or interpreter (in the US)?… #1nt #xl8

Lost without translation - interesting article on why accurate scientific translation is vital… #xl8 #ovst

Why so many translators love translation technology… #xl8

Thinking about downloading the IATE termbase? Here's how to handle it in MultiTerm: #xl8

Marketing tweets:

Top 5 Internet #Marketing Blogs

There are 27,000,000 pieces of shared #content every day. (Cool infographic included) #marketing #SEO

#Facebook’s News Feed Algorithm is Changing Again: What You Need to Know via @SimplyMeasured #marketing

The A to Z of #mobile #marketing: 26 trends to inspire you

12 Common Misconceptions about Content Marketing #marketing #seo #contentmarketing

Google Analytics Gets Its Own Dedicated iPhone App #marketing

5 Characteristics Of High Converting Headlines <--all about="" numbers="" span="" the="">#marketing

How to Create a Social Media #Marketing Plan from Scratch

Freelancing tweets:

10 Websites to Get You Started in #Freelancing

5 tips on digital #freelancing via @laurenxriley

The 7 Important Things to Do Before You Quit Your #Job to #Freelance @Mashable #freelancing

5 Great Tips To Launch Your Career as a Freelancer via @MotivatedGenY #career #freelancing #millennials

Which tweets did you find most interesting and useful? Please let me know in comments!

Olga Arakelyan
Your Professional Translator

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