Last week I kept "bumping" into really useful and interesting stuff. I wonder how that happens? Sometimes I'm looking and looking and can't find what I need, and sometimes I do NOTHING and those great blog entries and posts seem to be looking for me by themselves!
I am very grateful to my more experienced colleagues who have published these articles:
- The difference between localization and SEO translation - I believe that translation is one of the spheres where we as professionals can never say, "I know enough, so I don't need to learn any more". This is so wrong! Our world is changing so fast that there are new types of freelance work that appear every day, and our profession is becoming more and more complex. There are new specializations and fields of expertise that appear every day. The importance of localization and SEO translation is growing very fast, and it's been tough for many translators and clients to tell the difference between the two. This entry makes it very-very clear.
- Another thing that I came across this week was The Pro Translator's Check List, Part 2. It's a great gyde for beginning and growing professionals. I've found some points to be very useful for me as I saw some of the mistakes I have already made and have learned how to avoid them in future.
- And one final thing: Productivity for translators - an excellent article about how freelance translators and basically everybody who works under little or no supervision can increase their productivity. Also a great resource to learn from.
Wishing you the best in your work!
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