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Customs and international trade terminology for translators and language learners

'Custom House' photo (c) 2012, Jennifer Boyer - license: Not long ago I finished a translation project related to international trade. At times I had real fun while translating. Why? Because customs seems to be that kind of service where everything, including translations, needs to be brought to some kind of a uniform standard. In reality, it's not always so (especially in the Russian-English non-native translations I came across). But I thought I'd put my discoveries here for future reference. As for those terms that have more than one variant of translation, you can always ask your client which option they prefer. Even if you are not a translator, these links may be very useful if you are learning English or Russian, especially for business. So check them out!

So here's the list:
1. Русско-английский словарь таможенных терминов - this one is pretty concise, so it probably won't be enough to use just this dictionary.
2. Упрощение процедур торговли: англо-русский глоссарий терминов - this one is a lot bigger than the first one. It did help me a lot.
3. Англо-русский словарь внешнеторговых терминов - this one has only some very basic terminology, but who knows, maybe you will find there something that you couldn't find in other glossaries/dictionaries.
4. Англо-русский словарь транспортно-экспедиторских терминов - it has more to do with logistics than with customs procedures, but it's still useful.
5. Англо-русский словарь сокращений транспортно-экспедиторских и коммерческих терминов и выражений ФИАТА - extremely useful if your text has a lot of abbreviations you don't know.
6. Customs glossary - European commission - this one is purely in English. Very useful.
7. Glossary of trade and customs terms - also in English and also quite helpful.
8. If you translate about customs procedures you will probably come across a few legal terms. So I found this blog post to be quite helpful.
9. You can find some more legal dictionaries here.

Well, I thank you for your attention and wish you a great weekend! :)

P.S. This is not the first time I share useful links for translators and language learners. Here are other posts in the category:
Useful psychology and philosophy glossaries for translators
Euro 2012 - dictionaries and glossaries of football terms
Education terms: UK, USA and Russia
Translating about music? Here are some very helpful resources!
Tourism - useful links in English and Russian


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