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Important news for beginning translators!

I've already shared this news on Facebook and Twitter, but I thought that I need to write about it here as well.

A couple months ago I accepted a position of a Russian country leader in the Sharp End Training Company. I love the vision of the company and I think it is a wonderful opportunity for me to do something really useful for my dear colleagues, freelance translators.

The first thing we did was a FREE webinar for beginning translators based on my blog post "5 business mistakes that beginning translators make and how to avoid them". Maybe you think that if you read the post you don't need to listen to the webinar. Well, this is of course your decision, I can't force you ;) But Jonathan Senior, the Sharp End Training founder, also shares some insights there based on his experience connected with leading a business, working with people and selling products (yes, as freelancers, we are all selling our skills, so we need to be good salespeople!). So I think that this webinar is a very good addition to the blog post.

It was my first time, so we decided not to make it live. It's recorded. But that doesn't mean that you can't share your ideas based on what you hear there. In fact, we created a special page where you can share your thoughts and experiences! And we would love to hear your opinion! Oh, and sorry for some minor technical issues there. Next time we'll do a lot better, I promise! And yes, we are working on more cool stuff for freelance translators.

You can access the free webinar if you go to the website. Besides, you can also look at the top of this blog and you will see the Sharp End Training Russia tab among the pages. It will also lead you to the webinar page. All you need is drop your email in the box there (don't worry; we will never share it with anybody! We hate spam!!!).

Happy listening and watching! And we hope to hear from you!


  1. Поздравляю, Оленька! Ты так хорошо строишь свою карьеру! Дай Бог тебе еще больших успехов и сил воплощать все твои задумки! Таня М.

  2. Танечка, спасибо! Не знаю, карьера это или нет, просто я люблю помогать. :-) Надеюсь, часов в сутках хватит на воплощение всех планов. И тебе желаю успехов в твоей непростой, но нужной работе! Просмотри вебинар! Я уверена, тебе он пригодится когда-нибудь ;-)


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