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Educational terms: UK, USA and Russia.

Hi! I am back with some useful links for translators! This time our topic is education. As a certified teacher, I certainly love projects that deal with education. But as simple as this field might seem to some people, it is actually pretty tricky when it comes to education systems and terms used in different countries and even parts of some countries. I am going to share links about education in Great Britain, in the USA and in Russia.

Education in the United Kingdom:
This is a very interesting subject because each of the countries of the United Kingdom has its own education system, so here is a set of Wikipedia articles about:
1) Education in England
2) Education in Scotland
3) Education in Northern Ireland
4) Education in Wales
And then there are some other resources:
5) A real treat for Russian speakers -  a cool glossary of education terms with explanations in Russian.
6) Glossary of education terms in English, as well as the rest of the resources in this section;
7) Glossary of Bachelor's degrees abbreviations
8) Glossary of Master's degrees abbreviations
9) Glossary of Doctorate degrees abbreviations
10) British Counsil Glossary of education terms

Education in the USA:
There are quite a few good resources where you can find US educational terms and their definitions. Here are a few of them which I like most:
1) Glossary for US education
2) Glossary of United States Educational Terminology
3) US Higher Education glossary - some terms are repeated, but this glossary deals only with higher education.
4) In order to finance their studies, students often have to take loans. Here's a glossary with the terms all about direct loans
5) English-Russian glossary of educational terms in Washington

Education in Russia:
It's strange, but I haven't found many resources on this subject. Here's what I found in English:
1) Russian College glossary - there are just a handful of terms in that glossary, but they are all widely used in Russia, so I thought it would be good to post the link here anyway;
2) International Education Guide - Russia. This is the most comprehensive resource about Russian education  in English that I could find. Haven't read it all yet, but it surely looks interesting. :)
3) Глоссарий: высшее образование - this one is in Russian.

Hope you find these resources useful! Let me know what you think about them! And if you know a great resource that you'd like to share, please feel free to do so in comments!


  1. Оленька,
    Огромное спасибо за ссылки! Ты так права, что иногда термины совсем не совпадают, так что огромное спасибо за твой труд. что собрала все в один пост! :) Таня М.

  2. Танюш, не за что! Пользуйся на здоровье :)


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