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How do you stay healthy and fit? Interview with Caroline Alberoni

'TFD (The First Drop) logo on fitness bag' photo (c) 2009, Pete Bellis - license: there! Happy Monday! How about starting a new week with a renewed passion for a healthy lifestyle? I have a brand new interview here packed with wonderful tips from Caroline Alberoni. Here's what Caroline has to share: 

First of all, I’d like to thank Olga for this great opportunity of taking part in this new interesting interview series. It’s a real pleasure to feature on your blog! :)
As freelance translators, we spend most of our days sitting in front of the computer, and the only physical activity we perform is typing (and raising our coffee mugs for that matter). Besides, sometimes our deadlines don’t even allow us to eat well.
In order to have a healthy life, we should keep a balance among eating habits, exercising and taking breaks. 

Here’s what I do: 

Eating habits: First of all, I force myself to drink at least two liters of water every day. I have two (pink) bottles of half a litter each, so I try to drink both of them in the morning and again in the afternoon. If I manage to drink more at night, perfect! In regard to dietary habits, besides the main meals, I eat something every two hours or so. It can be a fruit (I especially like orange, banana, mango, watermelon, cherry, strawberry, carambole), nuts or yoghurt. As to the main meals, I love salads and vegetables, so I eat plenty of them. I eat carbs, but I try to avoid them as much as I can. I usually don’t buy sweets nor junk food at the supermarket, otherwise I do eat them. But if I feel like eating a hamburger, for example, I definitely do not stop myself from doing so. We should keep a balance, but not totally restrict ourselves from eating things we love once in a while. 

Exercising: Unfortunately, I can’t say I’m currently an active person. I was frequently going to the gym, exercising from four to five times a week, but I had some sudden changes in my life that made me move out, so I had to quit the gym. However, I do have plans to start playing tennis again (which is something I love doing) in 2014, and taking some dance classes and aerobics. I think that, besides being good for our fitness, the gym is also a great place to socialize and network, something we also need, since we work at home. 

Taking breaks: Spending nine to ten hours sitting in front of a computer screen is not exactly the most healthy thing. Taking breaks is quite important to keep our body moving, stretch out and rest our eyes. I take a break, stand up and walk around every two hours, when I need to eat something. I stretch my body and try to take my mind off work for a bit. At lunch, I always take a one-hour break. I’m currently living with my mom, so she cooks and I do the dishes. If I still have some time after eating and doing the dishes, I lay down for a while to rest my back or organize my things. Out of business hours, I try to avoid the computer as much as I can, but the smartphone is there to keep me posted. Unfortunately, I can’t avoid it!

I also think it’s really important to keep a working routine. Set your business hours and try to stick to them, so you have nights and weekends off. I only work overtime when strictly necessary or when I do feel like doing so.

Well, this is it. I hope you enjoy learning about my routine and look forward to reading the next interviewees. 

Dear Caroline, thank you so much for sharing these tips and a bit of your life with us! Have a wonderful week!

If you are a freelancer and you have your own recipe for being healthy and fit and you haven't contacted me yet, then what are you waiting for? Your colleagues really need to hear from YOU! So contact me and share your experience!

Author bio
Caroline Alberoni is a professional Brazilian Portuguese translator with three years of experience and a full educational background in the area (BA and MA in Translation Studies). She translates from English and Italian, and specializes mainly in IT, but also in marketing and business. Caroline is the head and heart behind Alberoni Translations, a company she runs with dedication, commitment, professionalism and the deepest concern for the client’s needs. She is a member of ProZ, Sintra (Sindicato Nacional dos Tradutores, Brazilian translators union) and Abrates (Associação Brasileira de Tradutores e Intérpretes, Brazilian translators and interpreters association). Her blog, Carol’s Adventures in Translation, is her latest project, where you can find some interesting posts on translation, both in English and Portuguese. Caroline Alberoni is a social media lover, so you can find her on Google+, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Pinterest.


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