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Top #language and #xl8 tweets in September 2013

'Autumn' photo (c) 2009, Moyan Brenn - license: didn't think I forgot about my monthly series, did you? Of course not! Now that we finally eliminated the source of my Internet problems which was a dying router, I am more than happy to resume the normal working and blogging schedule :) So let's see what are the top language and translation tweets in September! I have prepared a great list for you and really hope that you will find it useful.



Language tweets:

Slate @slate
FACT: The English language would be better off without apostrophes: #facts #language
Slate @slate
Academic writing experts need to stop hating on lovely adjectives and adverbs: #language #writing
Mark Ragan @markraganceo
How spelling differs between UK and U.S. English via @PRDaily #language
Stanford University @stanford
Paving the way for early intervention, psychologists find #language gap between rich and poor begins in infancy:
Rosetta Stone @rosettastone
Every two weeks, a #language is lost after its final living speaker dies: @physorg_com
#Language and tool-making skills evolved at same time, study says
Chronicle @chronicle
Do you say “in my wheelhouse”? The origin of the phrase: #language #etymology
Matthias Rascher @matthiasrascher
On Failing to Learn the Somali Language. #language #Somalia
Slate @slate
Did Stalin Really Coin "American Exceptionalism"? #history #language
Times of India @timesofindia
Stan Carey @stancarey
New post on the Irish use of "give out":… #language
Catherine Christaki @linguagreca
The longest words in the English #language
hyperlingo @hyperlingo
Being Successful in a Foreign #Language Environment |
hyperlingo @hyperlingo
Benefits of being bilingual: Why we should learn a second #language
Medical Xpress @medical_xpress
Lady Thatcher and Tony Blair used 'hubristic #language', research finds @mysgul
Catherine Christaki @linguagreca
Why correct #grammar still matters by @inboxtranslate #language
hyperlingo @hyperlingo
Margaret Atwood on Why Twitter Won't Destroy the English #Language -
Stan Carey @stancarey
Films of linguistic interest:… (new #language post)
hyperlingo @hyperlingo
Chomsky’s “Universal #Language” is incomplete -
NEA @neatoday
What I’ve Learned: Bilingualism is a Gift and a Treasure #edchat #bilingual #learn #education #language…
Oxford Neuroscience @oxneuro
Difficulty in #learning a second #language later in life could be due to changes in the brain…
Mad Over Marketing @madovermarketin
hyperlingo @hyperlingo
Natural born linguists: what drives multi-#language speakers? |
Living Tongues @livingtongues
Think twice, speak once: Bilinguals process both languages simultaneously… #language #bilingual #multilingual
The Trilingual Child @trilingualchild
"Languages are key to understanding cultures. English is a global #language, but we miss out if it is all we speak."

Translation tweets:

IAPTI @iapti
Unprecedented number of tweets from an #xl8 event all in one place: #iapti2013
Catherine Christaki @linguagreca
What Are Some of the Most Translated Works of All Time? via @_Translation_ #xl8
Adolfo Arias @mediconduit
Translator, web developer and surgeon named as the three best jobs in the UK via @TelegraphNews#xl8 @prozcom
"Machine and online translation tools still can’t grasp the nuances of language" #xl8
Paul Sulzberger @pauledgar1
How to find the agencies who want to attract top translation talent by @TransBunko #xl8
Lingotrans @lingotrans
Great article! New York Times - Two writers write about what they look for in modern translation:… #xl8
Am Translators Assn @atanet
Five ways to increase translation quality while keeping costs under control | The ATA Compass | | #translator #xl8
Catherine Christaki @linguagreca
Does a solopreneur 'need' a logo? by @apfelbee #xl8 @prozcom
European Day of Languages is celebrated today #xl8
Catherine Christaki @linguagreca
Translator scams and identity theft by @aztranslations #xl8 @prozcom
New campaign urges everyone in the UK to learn at least 1,000 words of another language #xl8
Paul Sulzberger @pauledgar1
The Guardian: Translators find themselves at the bottom of a production chain #xl8
Catherine Christaki @linguagreca
Machine translation #xl8
Catherine Christaki @linguagreca
Pricing policies for freelancers: Defining your rates by @mtmtranslations #xl8
Catherine Christaki @linguagreca
New guest post in our blog: Acronym Translation Strategies (ATS)… by @JennMercerFE #xl8 @prozcom
#GoogleTranslate:10 reasons why it’s no match for learning a language #xl8 #1nt
Paul Sulzberger @pauledgar1
When a Client Can’t Afford You: Why It’s Still Better to Bid High. #xl8 #rates RT @lingocode [Good advice]
Paul Sulzberger @pauledgar1
Successfully putting up your rates - what to do and what not to do: by @TransBunko #xl8
Erik Hansson @erik_hansson
Splendid read from @LinguaGreca: Cool! How Wikipedia is useful for translators #xl8
Paul Sulzberger @pauledgar1
International Translation Day today! @Smart_Translate explains what it's all about: #xl8
Catherine Christaki @linguagreca
New in our blog: 20 (or so) questions on how Sarah (@apfelbee) works #xl8
Catherine Christaki @linguagreca
Finnish translator fed up with translating misleading weight loss advertising RT @natalykelly #xl8
BlueLines @bluelinest
Catherine Christaki @linguagreca
No pain, no gain: active marketing to direct clients by @language_news by @cm_hawkes RT @4visionshq #xl8
Jayne Fox @jaynefox
My new blog post: Upgrading to Trados Studio 2014 or sticking with a previous version? Would a manual help?… #xl8 @prozcom
#xl8 #t9n Bilinguals are likely to develop a higher level of mental flexibility than monolinguals according to lin...
MultiLingual Mag @multilingualmag
How Google Converted Language Translation Into a Problem of Vector Space Mathematics - @techreview #xl8
Mercedes Alonso @mercedesalonso
The key is to ask yourself the right question. "How much should I charge" is NOT the right one. #iapti2013 #xl8
Rina Ne'eman @rinaneeman
Fun for translators: 42 Idiom Origins Explained.… #translation #xl8 #wordgeek
Catherine Christaki @linguagreca
8 to be great: 1. Passion 2. Work 3. Focus 4. Push 5. Ideas 6. Improve 7. Serve 8. Persist RT @JMBTranslations #iapti2013 #xl8 #1nt
Herman Boel @altaverba
Impressive article on translator rates (with concrete numbers!) -… #xl8
Herman Boel @altaverba
My personal account of the #iapti2013 conference in London.… #xl8 @iapti @auhumaran
Jayne Fox @jaynefox
Financial Translator Miguel Llorens died a year ago. Thanks to Jordi, you can now download Miguel's writings.… #xl8

So, this is the list of most shared tweets about language and translation. What posts inspired you last month? Please share them in comments!


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