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Top #language and #xl8 related tweets in July 2013

'Presents for everyone' photo (c) 2013, Filter Forge - license:
July has been a very challenging month. But it has also been very fruitful. And as usual, I can't believe how fast the time is flying! In one month my daughter will start her second year in primary school. Although she says she doesn't miss school at all :)
And it's also time to share the most popular tweets about translation and languages! As usual, website is helping me to find those tweets and share them with you. It's unbelievable how many interesting messages have been published in July. But don't just take my word for it. Check those links because they are definitely worth it!

Language tweets:

bjkingape Barbara J King

om Om Malik

rosettastone Rosetta Stone

hyperlingo hyperlingo

japansociety Japan Society

erik_hansson Erik Hansson

oupacademic Oxford Academic

cnalive Catholic News Agency

slate Slate


word_jazz Matt Davis

maxplanckpress Max Planck Society

multi_ling_mat Multilingual Matters

moraviaww Moravia

magnestelle Estelle Magnier

arablit M. Lynx Qualey

jaynefox Jayne Fox

scheherezade_sl Scheherezade Surià

wwborders WordsWithoutBorders

xosecastro Xosé Castro

sales_eu_org Laurent J.V. Dubois

translatores Translating for EU

englishpen English PEN

moraviaww Moravia

germanentrans Kevin Lossner

a11ymedia Accessible Media Inc

xosecastro Xosé Castro

a11ymedia Accessible Media Inc

translatorfun Translator Fun



englishpen English PEN

mstelmaszak Marta Stelmaszak

multilingualmag MultiLingual Mag

linguagreca Catherine Christaki

i18n_mug IMUG

For those who just started following my blog: every month I look up and share top language and translation related tweets. I try to keep the process as objective as possible, so I go to and choose the tweets with most retweets and mentions. The only thing is that I don't publish pure advertisements here, no matter how many times they were shared. And I also try to make sure there are useful links in the tweets. I personally check all links to make sure it's high quality content that may be interesting and useful for my readers. In case you are new to Twitter hashtags, #xl8 stands for "translation". I found some pretty amazing messages and links while looking for the trending tweets this time, so can't wait to share them with you. - See more at:


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