First of all, I'd like to share an announcement with you! At website you can now see all the details about the conference, the sessions and the speakers. As I said, you can pick any number of sessions you like and pay separately for each, or buy a season ticket. And no matter whether you paid for 1 session or for the whole event you get the access to our speed networking event. How can it help you in your translation career? You can read more about it here.
1 session costs about 30 USD and the season ticket costs 160 USD. Besides, if you register before January 31st you can get 25% off the ticket price! Just type in the code EARLYBIRD at checkout. So you see we've been really trying to make it as affordable as possible.
First of all, here is translation of some Latin and ancient Greek phrases into Russian (There are many ads on this website, but the list of terms is very useful)
On the same website, there's also glossary of terms used in the works of Immanuel Kant (German, English and Russian. In some cases, there are also Latin and/or French equivalents)
Here is the translation of some other terms. German-Russian:
Körper - тело природы (мертвое тело)
Leib - живое тело (плоть)
Einfühlung - "вчуствование"
Mitgemeintes -сополагаемое
Mitseiendes - также-сущее
Mitgeltendes - также-значимое
das absolute "Da" - абсолютное "здесь"
sich einleben - перевоплотиться, вжиться
Selbstzuschreibung - самоатрибуция
And some more useful links:
1. Glossary of Philosophic Terms (English)
2. Philosophy dictionaries and glossaries - a wealth of information here!
3. Philosophy glossary - lots of terms here
4. Glossary of psychological terms (of American Psychological Association)
5. A glossary of nearly 2100 terms related to Psychology
6. Psychology glossary in Russian
7. English-Russian psychiatry glossary
Hope you find these links useful!
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