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Top #language and #xl8 tweets in October 2013

'November sun' photo (c) 2010, Monika - license:
It’s the beginning of November, so it’s time to share the best language and translation tweets published last month! As usual, was my source of information about how often different messages were retweeted and mentioned. And I am very happy to share the results with you! Check out the list as there are quite a few insightful, useful and even funny new links there.

Language tweets:


Say again? Words that have no translation #lp #travel #language


The Language of Leadership #leadfromwithin #leadership #language


Infographic: 50 Facts About Languages #language #infographic ll RT @faraway67 @Peepsqueak @brasonja


Why the "golden age" when everyone knew their grammar is a myth.… #grammar #language


Why the "golden age" when everyone knew their grammar is a myth.… #grammar #language


Why it's not as difficult to learn #Russian as you might think: #language


Going Dutch: English words of Dutch origin #language


Five Words That Need to Be Invented #language #evolution


Learning dialects shapes #brainareas that process spoken #language


11 beautifully untranslatable words from other cultures: via @MatadorNetwork #language #society


How to Learn a Foreign #Language for Free |


To be or to not be... and other infinitives for splitting #language


Dictionary Day: Yes, that is a real word! Check out these crazy #dictionary entries! #wordplay #english #language


The hottest job skill: College grads with foreign #language skills have better job prospects @atanet

Translation tweets:

IAPTI @iapti

Unprecedented number of tweets from an #xl8 event all in one place: #iapti2013

Paul Sulzberger @pauledgar1

10 Signs That Your Rate Per Translated Word May Be Too Low by @VitekSteve Funny (and true). #xl8

Lingotrans @lingotrans

Great article! New York Times - Two writers write about what they look for in modern translation:… #xl8

Kevin Lossner @germanentrans

New quick survey on CAT tool use: #xl8 #l10n

Tess Whitty @tesstranslates

Very good post on specializing in Marketing, PR and Corporate Translations… #xl8

Paul Sulzberger @pauledgar1

New monster translation company ($105 million p.a.) emerges in US. #xl8

Erik Hansson @erik_hansson

USA: Translators and interpreters expected to be one of the 15 fastest growing occupations #xl8

Catherine Christaki @linguagreca

20 (or so) questions on how Megan (@speechmarksxl8) works… #xl8 #xl8orwork @prozcom

Aphasia and bilingualism: using one language to relearn another #xl8

Victoria Principi @vicprincipi

In case you have to translate about wines :) Easy To Understand Wine Definitions #xl8 #wines

Paul Sulzberger @pauledgar1

Why foreign exchange is becoming increasingly important for your translation business. RT @TranslatorPay #xl8

Herman Boel @altaverba

Impressive article on translator rates (with concrete numbers!) -… #xl8

Catherine Christaki @linguagreca

The Language Translator's Eternal Dilemma: How Do I Raise My Rates? by @MGCollegeOnline #xl8

Paul Sulzberger @pauledgar1

TechCrunch: Localisation company adopts "freemium" model: #xl8

MultiLingual Mag @multilingualmag

How Mobile Technology Is Driving Language Translation - @FedTechMagazine #xl8

Valerij Tomarenko @en_de_ru

Why translation MA programs should address the issue of entrepreneurial skills, a great post by @corinnemckay… #xl8

Carla Avenia Koency @carlaavenia

Fun stuff for language lovers and translators alike: 4 Incredibly Dumb Typos That Resulted in Disaster #xl8

Catherine Christaki @linguagreca

What I learned last year to make #ATA54 work even better! by @JWAlfonso #ata53 #xl8 #1nt

Fabio M. Said @fabiomsaid

#translators!> "Top 10 Clever Google Search Tricks" #xl8

Patrick Cox @patricox

The story of a translation co, the shutdown and a canceled contract. @natalykelly @language_news @corinnemckay #xl8…

Estelle Magnier @magnestelle

The delights and frustrations of translating a novel (new blog by Daniel Hahn) #xl8 #translation via @FreeWordCentre

Moravia @moraviaww

Why you finally need to hire a professional translation company: #xl8 #branding #marketing

Lloyd Bingham @lloydtranslates

Language Show Live 2013: What language/linguistic skills will native English speakers need in future?… #LSLive #xl8

Tess Whitty @tesstranslates

RT @LinguaGreca: An open letter to translation buyers: can you really afford cheap translations? by @transl8tr #xl8

MTM Translations @mtmtranslations

How a freelance translator can catch an agency’s attention via @LinguaGreca #xl8 #marketing

MultiLingual Mag @multilingualmag

Augmented reality glasses intended to translate foreign menus - @telegraph #xl8 #technology

MultiLingual Mag @multilingualmag

Translation Techniques: How to Translate Idioms - @ChiaraGrassilli #xl8 #language

Did you find something useful in the list? Please share which posts you like best!
Have a great month!


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