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Being a healthy freelancer: your eyesight matters!

'Crazy eyes!' photo (c) 2012, Lee Haywood - license: don't know about you, but I definitely look like that sometimes after I've had a busy day. I've been a freelancer since 2007 and I know how tough it can be. Very few people are able to stick to comfortable work schedule from day 1 for the rest of their life. In fact, I haven't met such people at all. If you are one of them, please leave a comment below and share how you do it!

I've had bad eyes since I was 10. I guess it's genetic. Both of my parents had bad eyesight, too. So I do my best not to lose the vision I have. And that means that I need to take breaks from looking at the computer screen and do something useful for my eyes.

When I was preparing this post I came across a few articles saying that it's no use doing exercises for your eyes because it won't change anything. Maybe it's true. But helping your eyes relax is a totally different thing. Here are some of my tips for you if your eyes get tired from looking at the computer screen for a long time:
1. This exercise is called "palming". You need to cover both eyes with the palms of your hands so that you can't see even a slightest raylet of light. And then you spend a few minutes with your hands over your eyes and thinking about something pleasant. The reason why you need to think about pleasant things is because it's impossible to make our eyes relax. They relax by themselves in an appropriate setting without your control. But it's surely easier for your eyes to relax in the dark and when your whole body relaxes, so by thinking about something good we basically help our body and our eyes to relax. After you are done with the exercise don't uncover your eyes suddenly, but do it bit by bit, so your eyes can get used to the light.

'Cup of tea' photo (c) 2010, Selena N. B. H. - license: 2. The other thing that really helps me is black tea. I know it sounds crazy, but it really helps! If my eyes are really tired, and even if they aren't it's still a good way to help them relax. So, I make a small cup of strong tea and put two cotton pads in the cup, wait a little till they absorb enough tea, take them out and put them on my eyes. Even if you spend about 15-20 minutes with the pads on your eyes you will feel that your eyes have relaxed. I actually sleep like that sometimes. And then, when I wake up in the morning, my eyes feel as good as new :) One thing you need to remember though is that you don't need hot tea for that.

3. If they sell special vitamins or food supplements for eyes in your country, I strongly recommend finding a reliable brand and using it. I have been taking special vitamins for several years now (I don't mean non-stop of course. I follow the advice of my doctor!) and I can see the result: fewer headaches from over-strained eyes.

How do you help your eyes relax? Share your own tips in comments!


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