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The Versatile Blogger award

My twitter friends and experienced translators, Liudmila Davydova @ldavydova, Ewa Erdmann @Transliteria, and Aga Gordon @acgtranslation, nominated me for the Versatile Blogger award. This award is given from bloggers to... bloggers. The nominees have to be recently discovered or new bloggers. It's such a great honour for me that these wonderful ladies and absolutely amazing professionals have chosen me among the other nominees! Liudmila is a great translator. She has a wonderful blog which you can find here. Her posts are very useful for both translators and their clients. I learn a lot from her blog. The same can be said about Aga's blog "acgtranslation" and Ewa's blog "Transliteria Polish translations". Aga and Ewa are both wonderful professionals. But what's more, they are very kind people who made me feel welcome on Twitter :) So it's a great honor and a joy to be nominated by Liudmila, Ewa and Aga.

The rules of the award are:
1) Thank the award-giver and link back to their blog.
2) Share 7 things about yourself
3) Give the award to up to 15 recently discovered or new blogs
4) Contact the nominees and tell them the news :)

So, now it's time to share 7 facts about me:
1) I started studying English at the age of 8. My father was very happy that I liked English. Since the time when I started my ESL studies in primary school, he always bought children's books in English for me and I had to read a chapter each day. Once he bought a book that was too hard for me, and I had to look up almost every word in the dictionary. I spent about three hours on the first page of the book and then spoke English in my sleep that night.
2) You won't believe it (nobody does), but I actually did judo for a couple years as a teenager. I didn't become a professional judoist, but that definitely had a positive impact on my health :)
3) If I had to choose another profession, I'd continue with my music education. I studied music for 8 years from the age of 6 till 14. Piano is my favourite instrument and my best dream has always been taking vocal classes. But for some reason every time I'd find a teacher something would happen that would make it absolutely impossible to study. So I finally came to the conclusion that the Lord has a different plan for me :)
4) I was a part of the music worship team in our church for 11 years.
5) When I was a university student we had all girls in our class and just 1 guy born on International Women's Day. No need to say that it was our favourite holiday. :)
6) The next time my husband and I have a chance to visit his relatives in Armenia I really, really, really want to visit Iran as well (it's just about 1 hour away from where we stay there). I feel a strange bond to this country. Well, it's probably not that strange since my husband was born there.
7) My another dream is to learn French (and then Armenian, hopefully, if I have enough brain for it after I'm done with French). This one, unlike vocal classes, is gradually becoming a reality. :)

And the award goes to...
1) Olga Tkachenko and her blog called "My travelog"
2) Paul Dixon, the author of "Paul's Translation Blog"
3) Marta Velichko and her blog "Translation and l10n for dummies"
4) "Medical translation insight" blog
5) "Просто перевод". This is a blog of Ekaterina and Oleg Sarychev. It's in Russian.

Those are some of the best blogs that I found not so long ago. Hope you find them interesting and useful, too!

Wishing you a marvellous weekend!


  1. You are welcome Olga! I'm looking forward to your new posts!

  2. I know I am a bit late with the comment . . . better late than never. Thank you for accepting the nomination! Very much appreciate your support, Olga. :)

  3. Thank you for nominating me, Liudmila! That's an honour! (by the way, I love supporting my colleagues) :)


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