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The Top 100 Language Lovers Competition has started

Good evening everybody! Hope you are doing well and enjoying this wonderful weekend. My weekend has been going very well and I am very thankful for this time of long walks with my daughter, rest, joy and peace.
This week has brought an unexpected but good surprise to me as my Facebook page was nominated for Top 100 Language Lovers Competition hosted by language portal and Lexiophiles blog.

You can find out more about the whole process here. Right now it's the nomination stage. You can nominate any language blog, Facebook page or Twitter user. Here's what it says in the Lexiophiles blog about the 1st stage:
"As always, we need your help to find the best of the best for the following categories:
1. Language Learning Blogs (blogs about language learning & teaching)
2. Language Professionals Blogs (blogs from translators, interpreters etc. on the professional usage of languages)
3. Language Facebook Pages (Facebook pages about language, language learning etc.)
4. Language Twitterers (Twitter accounts focused on language, language learning etc.)
The nominations for the Top 100 Language Lovers 2011 competition are open until May 16th, 23:59 hours German time. Nominate your favorite Blogs, Facebook Pages and Twitter Accounts by sending an e-mail with the URL to giulia (at) bab (dot) la or just leave a comment below."
Some of my wonderful colleagues nominated for the Competition are Catherine Christaki (@LanguaGreca on Twitter), Dimitris Mantas (@translategreek), No Peanuts for Monkeys (@No_Peanuts), Language News (@Langology) and Celine Graciet (@NTceline).

So why am I writing all this? I am inviting you to participate! If you like this blog please feel free to join my Facebook page and vote for it from May 17th until May 29th 23:59 German time. I am inviting you also to vote for other brilliant language professionals nominated for the Competition. And if you think that there is somebody who was overlooked in the process and also needs to be nominated - this is the perfect time to nominate them!

Have a wonderful Sunday and a great week!


  1. Оленька!
    Поздравляю тебя! Это так круто! Я так рада за тебя. А я могу голосовать? Я просто не зарегистрирована на Фейсбуке. Сейчас попробую проголосовать там. Желаю тебе удачи и выиграть эту номинацию! Таня М.

  2. Танечка, голосование еще не началось! Оно начнется 17 мая и продлится до 29 мая. Для этого не обязательно быть зарегистрированной на фейсбуке. Инструкции о том, как и где голосовать, появятся позже, и их сразу вышлют номинантам, так что я еще об этом всем сообщу!
    Спасибо тебе за поздравление и за желание голосовать :) Очень приятно!

  3. Хорошо! Тогда я пока торопиться не буду. Подожду твоих инструкций.


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