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Top language, translation, marketing and freelancing tweets: August and September 2014

Hi everybody! How is your weekend going? Mine is a non-working one, first time this month! So I am using it wisely, updating my blogs, catching up on reading, and doing some things about the house.

We got first snow yesterday! Can you imagine? Actually, the streets look much better all white and shiny, instead of dark, wet and gloomy, so I am not compaining.

I remember I promised to write this post a while ago. So now I owe you top tweets for two months! So here they are. Check out those links. They are quite amazing!

Language tweets

What is your favorite accent in the English language? #English #language

AngloINFO Limited @angloinfo
10 things that newbie #language learners can do to speed up the learning process > #expat

Oxford Academic @oupacademic
An Almost Complete List of Every Word We've Ever Used to Mean Drunk by @davcr @tnr #language

John Fotheringham @jfotheringham
[New] How to Learn (and Actually Remember!) New Words #vocabulary #language

Max Planck Society @maxplanckpress
"Learning a #language later on in life might be more beneficial than learning it earlier". RT @mocost

Scheherezade Surià @scheherezade_sl
The top 50 most beautiful British insults.… #language (via @plluberas) Priceless!

Translation tweets:

Catherine Christaki @linguagreca
Translation is not just about language. It's largely about culture and creativity #xl8 #t9n
The Lingua File @thelinguafile
This is why you should always hire a professional #translator... #xl8
New blog post: Being bilingual doesn't make you a translator/interpreter just like having two hands....… #xl8 #1nt
"Even Google does not use Google Translate for its own material" Lillian Clementi shines spotlight on #xl8 industry
Judy Jenner @language_news
New blog post: What should you do if the customer refuses to pay for services rendered?… #xl8 #1nt
Fabio M. Said @fabiomsaid
Fantastic overview of the #FITCongress thanks to 250 attendees that are tweeting live from Berlin:… #xl8
Alexandria Library @alexandria_xl8
[Blog] "CPD for translators: five free courses on entrepreneurship and business growth" #xl8 by @jaynefox
Gala Gil Amat @transgalator
According to this, #translator is 4th highest paying work from home job. Also requires the highest skill level. #xl8…

Marketing tweets:

Jeff Bullas @jeffbullas
5 Great Examples of Calls to Action for Your Facebook Cover Photo #socialmedia #marketing
GoDaddy @godaddy
Great read from @SocialMedia2Day on the key ingredients that make "word of mouth #marketing" work for your #smallbiz…
Jeff Bullas @jeffbullas
6 Ways to Expand Your Social Media Reach #socialmedia #marketing
Jeff Bullas @jeffbullas
Ten Social Networking Mistakes to Avoid When #Marketing Your Business #SocialMedia #Mktg
Jeff Bullas @jeffbullas
3 Digital #Marketing Strategies you Should Not Ignore #SocialMedia #SEO #Email
Marsha Collier @marshacollier
21 Simple and FREE #SEO Tools to Instantly Improve Your #Marketing

Freelancing tweets:

Sean Gardner @2morrowknight
7 things you should know about #freelancing before quitting your job #in #jobhunt /@Forbes @Niccober
Pluralsight @pluralsight
Want to #WorkFromHome or have a flexible schedule? Here are 55 companies with the best #Freelancing opportunities ==>
Elance @elance
Is It Time To Start #Freelancing? 8 Signs You’re Ready to Work on Your Own @lorenridinger
Chelsea Krost @chelseakrost
5 Great Tips To Launch Your Career as a Freelancer #career #freelancing #millennials
Skyword @skyword
The rise and dominance of today's freelance #writer - why writers are in such high demand: #amwriting #freelancing
Helen Blunden @activatelearn
Just Blogged: 5 More Lessons for a Freelancer #freelancing #wol

August and September were very special months for translators. So there's a bonus for you, besides top tweets:
  • First of all, August was the month when the XXth FIT Congress took place in Berlin! You can see all tweets from the Congress here.
  • Secondly, Translation Forum Russia took place at the end of September. Though I didn't go there, I followed it on Twitter and other social networks. You can see all tweets from the conference here.
Did you see anything interesting among these links? Or maybe something else inspired you these days? Then share it in comments! I am looking forward to hearing from you!

Olga Arakelyan
Your Professional Translator

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