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Top language, translation, marketing and freelancing tweets in May and June 2014

Hi everybody! Long time no see! I am so happy to be back with you and to be able to share the list of top tweets for May AND June 2014! For those who just started following my blog: once a month (sometimes once every two months) I go to the website and make a list of most popular tweets about languages, translation, marketing and freelancing. Only the most shared tweets are included in the list. I also keep the original hashtags and the Twitter accounts of those who share those tweets so you can make your own search using those hashtags and follow accounts you find most interesting.

So let’s start!

Language tweets:

Global Voices @globalvoices
Untranslatable Words Graphically Explained #language

Vivian Salama @vmsalama
Fascinating read. Translating “Frozen” Into #Arabic #language #translation… via @NewYorker

Jenn Mercer @jennmercerfe
#pun What do you call a pile of cats? #funny #language #words #English #xl8 #t9n

Andrea Twombly @filigreegirl
It’s Too Late. Exclamation Marks Are Unstoppable #language #grammar

globabelclub @globabelclub
10 inspirational quotes for #language learners!… #globabelclub

cześć @jestemzwyciezca
Were you thinking about learning a new #language? Check this out:

Matthias Rascher @matthiasrascher
25 Words That Are Their Own Opposites. #language

Inside @inside
#French is set to become the most popular #language by 2050.…

Oxford Dictionaries @oxfordwords
Six unusual words with surprising meanings: #language

Oxford Dictionaries @oxfordwords
Can you pronounce these 10 tricky words? #pronunciation #language

Sumner Nichols @lilsouthernlady
25 Words That Are Their Own Opposites. #language /via @matthiasrascher

The Moscow Times @moscowtimes
#Russia's Profanity Law Bans Words Even Pushkin Used #language #arts

Network Languages @1000languages
Interesting Facts about the Swedish Language… #sweden #language #translation

Translation tweets:

Rae S-G-M @mmedebeauvoir
Knowing how to translate is, above all, knowing how to write. #translation #languages

Language Services CH @finverbus
The 36 Funniest Translation Fails Of All Time. #xl8 #translation #languages…

Rina Ne'eman @rinaneeman
The true cost of cheap translation. The British legal system's interpreting scandal continues… #translation #xl8

Shannon Zimmerman @zimmermansm
9 Little Translation Mistakes That Caused Big Problems professional #language #translation matters

Rina Ne'eman @rinaneeman
Yup. The company that brought the world Google Translate recommends human translators. RT @atanet… #translation #xl8

Pankaj Ghemawat @pankajghemawat
#Skype to add real-time #translation capability this year. That will be a handy tool but language will still matter.
Jayne Fox @jaynefox
Why so many translators love translation technology… #xl8

Language Services CH @finverbus
The Perfect Language Learner: #xl8 #translator

Eve Lindemuth Bodeux @ebodeux
The (incorrect) use of "the" in English is always a dead giveaway the text was translated by a non-native speaker... #translation #xl8

Catherine Christaki @linguagreca
Drawing comparisons between music and translation – a brilliant video by @smartling by @AnjaJones #xl8 #t9n

Marta Stelmaszak @mstelmaszak
Localisation of tourism content: how not to miss your opportunities by @DkPawlak #xl8 #t9n

Jayne Fox @jaynefox
"Interpreters and translators are among the top five fastest growing occupations". Oh, and learn German. #xl8

Marketing and freelancing tweets:

Steven Suthiana @stevesooch
Why Our Brains Crave #Storytelling In #Marketing… via @FastCompany

Jeff Bullas @jeffbullas
5 Great Examples of Calls to Action for Your Facebook Cover Photo #socialmedia #marketing

Jeff Bullas @jeffbullas
The Power of Simple Writing #contentmarketing #marketing #socialmedia #writing

Jeff Bullas @jeffbullas
3 Digital #Marketing Strategies you Should Not Ignore #SocialMedia #SEO #Email

Jeff Bullas @jeffbullas
40 Ways to Increase Your Twitter Followers plus #Infographic #socialmedia #marketing

Social Media Today @socialmedia2day
Video Is the New Face of #Content #Marketing [#INFOGRAPHIC]

Econsultancy @econsultancy
Your lunchtime reading: The A to Z of #mobile #marketing: 26 trends to inspire you…

Marsha Collier @marshacollier
10 Surprising and Important #SocialMedia Stats You Need To Know #marketing

Marsha Collier @marshacollier
8 Questions To Ask Before You Redesign Your Website #marketing

Econsultancy @econsultancy
What are the best #social media #marketing campaigns of all time?

Marsha Collier @marshacollier
Facebook Stats that Every Social Marketer Should Know #marketing

Elance @elance
The 7 Important Things to Do Before You Quit Your #Job to #Freelance @Mashable #freelancing

Freelancers U @freelancersuniv
Common freelance mistakes (and how to avoid them) via @freelancersu #freelance #freelancing

Elance @elance
How to Make It as a #Freelance #Entrepreneur via @S4LM3R @entmagazine #freelancing

Which tweets did you find most interesting and useful? Please let me know in comments!

Olga Arakelyan
Your Professional Translator

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