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Top #language and #xl8 related tweets in March

'UEFA Super Cup Trophy' photo (c) 2010, Daniel - license: After I realized how popular my last post about translation and language related tweets turned out to be, I thought it would be good to publish the links to most valuable content each month. So, here's the list of most popular tweets about translation and languages in March.

Just so we are clear, it's not "my favourites" list. In order to define top tweets, I go to the website called and find tweets for a specific month with most retweets and mentions. And then I publish them here. Last month I published tweets that got no less than 6 retweets. This month I decided to publish tweets with no less than 10 retweets and mentions.

I can't say that I don't carefully choose the content for these posts though. Sometimes there are purely promotional tweets with quite a few RTs and mentions done by the staff of the same company who published the initial tweet. I don't include those in my list. I seldom include tweets with no links to useful material, only if I consider them very valuable. In other words, I do my best to choose only the most relevant content. I guess relevancy is my only criteria, besides the number of mentions. Hope you find these links useful for your professional development and for your business.

So let's start with language tweets first:

randomhouse randomhouse
hyperlingo hyperlingo
linguagreca Catherine Christaki
oxfordwords Oxford Dictionaries

jfgariepy J.-François Gariépy

hyperlingo hyperlingo

bjkingape Barbara J King

realgeoffbarton Geoff Barton

multi_ling_mat Multilingual Matters

jaredromey Jared Romey

And now it's time for translation (#xl8) tweets:

scheherezade_sl Scheherezade Surià


pauledgar1 Paul Sulzberger

jaynefox Jayne Fox


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