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Moving out of my comfort zone

With the New Year rapidly approaching, I am starting to analyze this past year. In fact, I've been analyzing all the changes in my life since 2007. And I am learning to value the Lord's timing, His guidance and support while He has continuously been pushing me out of my comfort zone.
I started working in the church while I was still a student and I never wanted to look for a different job, or a different position. Even when I realized that changes were necessary I did not welcome them. Partly, this was because I loved my work in the church. I made a lot of friends, I had a chance to develop the skills that could otherwise remain hidden, plus I had a privilege of serving the Lord and helping people in Vladimir and its suburbs, and even people from other countries. Thankfully, the latter point applies to my life now as well, otherwise I'd have to admit that I made a huge mistake ;)

Becoming a full-time freelancer was a hard choice. I had so many doubts and fears! Some of them are still alive, others have gone. But there's one thing I am sure about: becoming a freelancer was a right step. But it involved moving out of my comfort zone and learning to live in uncertainty.
Later, I was forced to move out of my comfort zone again when suddenly the work stopped flowing from my major clients. That's when my real freelance life started! I started learning to market my services. At the same time, my desire to find new clients and to keep the existing ones made me work nonstop on my quality.
Making a fan page on Facebook, joining Twitter and learning to use it, networking, doing new projects, at the same time serving my family, raising a child, working on the relationship with my husband - everything involves changes and little steps that cross this invisible line where I feel safe and comfortable. And with each and every small step, moving forward gets a little easier. Not because there are no problems, but because I realize that without changes there's no progress.

I'd love to hear about your experience! Let's learn from one another!


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