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I am back!

Hi everybody! Long time, no see! :)
There literally wasn't any single day when I didn't think about you. All my readers are very special to my heart. Thank you for your messages and for your cards! I am very grateful for your kind thoughts.

As you probably guessed, this is going to be a recap post. I shared a couple recap posts back in 2014, so it probably won't be big news for you if I say that 2014 was an extremely challenging year. Sometimes to the point that I thought I was losing my mind. But at the same time there have been some changes in my life, and I would love to share them with you.

1. Remember last September I talked about another surgery? It happened last December and it went very well. My body has healed well and my soul is healing, too.

2. I am not a freelancer any more. I already wrote once that I became a part of staff in two agencies. Since then the situation has changed even more, and I feel it is a very good change. Now I manage Translators' school in LinguaContact translation company. If you are interested to know more about it, here is our website. As you can see, not all of it is in English (yet). We are paying more attention to the Russian courses right now and offering the following options:
- Basic course for startup translators;
- Theory and Practice of Legal Translation (taught by an experienced legal translator);
- Medical Basics for translators (we are very lucky to work with a trainer who is both a doctor and a translator, and our students love the course!);
- Editing Technical Translation (taught by our staff editor. I used to think I was a good editor until I listened to the first webinar in this course. Inna is brilliant! I want to be like her!)

We are working on widening the scope of the courses and starting the training for the English-speaking colleagues, too! We do see some voids in what is offered right now as CPD for translators and interpreters, so there's definitely room for one more translator school online. :-)

3. Since I am not a freelancer any more and since Translators' school now takes all my time, I have to admit, I had thoughts to close this blog. But I see people subscribing to it every week and commenting about different posts, and it inspires me and shows that this blog turned into something useful. And that's awesome. I didn't even dream about it when I started it 5 years ago. So I am going to keep this blog, and I am going to update it as regularly as possible, sharing about freelancing and my work for Translators' school, and about translation, too, since I am still a translator. The only difference now is that I freelance part-time. But I still do. I think that after several years, freelancing has become a part of my nature, so it's next to impossible to completely stop doing it. Blogging was also one of the parts of my life as a freelancer, and I missed it so much! I revived my Russian blog a few months ago, and I will be very happy to revive this blog, too.

So what kind of posts would you like to see here? I'll be looking forward to your comments!


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